yo jax, welcome here!:)
Hey All,
Thanks for the welcome, I am excited to be here and be part of the community. I am also thankful for Google Chrome for giving me the ability to read the whole site in English text, way cool. Zoltan gave me a rundown of the site and what you guys are looking for. The both of us felt that I would be a good fit with the members of PokerAkademia.
As most of you know the US government in their infinite wisdom decided to pull the plug on online poker. As they say here in America, Uncle Sam (the US) will always get their cut. Like Im sure many of you do,I have great love for the game. Not just the extra $$$ it generated, but the game itself. I tried playing live twice since 4/15, but I realize I still dont like live play. It is a shame as there are 5 casinos within a 45 minute drive, and the skill of live players,,,well you know.
Now I will strictly coach, and play a few live tournaments. Between that and contributing a lot to this forum I think I will get my poker “fix”. I specialize in the 6-max STT. I have played with very good players from Hungary, like Barrybab333 and Fricirics to name a few. More importantly than their playing skills, they seem like they are genuine cool guys off of the tables. From what Zoltan and KungFuPanda have told me about you guys, it all seems like we are on the same page. I hope I can be a good resource for you guys. And Im sure I will learn stuff from you as well.
So excuse the lengthy reply and ask away. Feel free to ask me anything, poker, living in the US, playing the World Series, traveling, women. I will try to be respond often and quickly. Even with a fulltime job, a live in girlfriend and a 5month old daughter.
Cool bananas, welcome on board of PokerAkademia!
Welcome on board Jaxtraw!
Could you please let us know your screenname?
Will you not move out of US? Do you think this problem will be solved, and after an agreeement the US citizens can come back playing online?
GL buddy!
Csecse: He played under the nickname Jaxtraw on Pokerstars. :)
Welcome on board! :)
I hope you will enjoy the work with Pokerakademia!
what do us players think about this 4/15? what do you think is gonna happen? and when? new site shows up or ftp&ps will be able to have players from usa again? thanks.
Most of players, non-players, and even some big time politicians think this is total bullshit. The players believe it to be unfair for obvious reasons, the non-players believe it wrong as the "government should not decide for us what we can and can not do from the privacy of our own homes". There is great emphasis on "privacy of our homes".
There will be online poker again in the United States, guesses are anywhere from 1-3 years. Most believe that FT and PS will not be allowed to run sites in the US ever again, because they will be penalized for running their sites here after the first US laws passed in 2006. Partypoker Im sure will be able to apply, but I believe the big players will be the big brick and mortar casinos like Wynn and Harrah's. I am just hoping when it does become legalized the site owners will not use their "captive audience" to their advantage and make the rake so high the game is unbeatable.
I played under the screenname Jaxtraw on Pokerstars. I do not have plans to move, if I didnt have a family I would have given it serious thought. Very few professionals made the decision to move to another country.I have firends who were on pace for supernova elite and making $5-10k/month in profits before rakeback, but just did not want to leave their friends and family. I think being infront of a computer most of the days and nights diminishes their "sense of adventure".
THe problem will definitely be solved at some time, too much money involved not to be, and the US citizens will be playing online again. I do not know if international players will be welcome in the beginning,but eventually it will be as it was. Again, too much $$$ to be made for it not to be.