Mai bukásaim Nl10
- xtkong sitting in seat 2 with $3.40
- xiangxiang sitting in seat 3 with $8.69 [Sitting out]
- lmslmslms sitting in seat 4 with $20.26
- boati sitting in seat 5 with $12.89
- chippi84 sitting in seat 6 with $3.27 [Dealer]
- japatom sitting in seat 7 with $2.66
- simon6767 sitting in seat 8 with $7.35
- mam48 sitting in seat 9 with $11.92
- medgypeti sitting in seat 10 with $10.61
japatom posted the small blind - $0.05
simon6767 posted the big blind - $0.10
** Dealing card to medgypeti: 9 of Diamonds, 9 of Hearts
mam48 called - $0.10
medgypeti raised - $0.55
xtkong folded
lmslmslms folded
boati folded
chippi84 folded
japatom folded
simon6767 called - $0.55
mam48 called - $0.55
** Dealing the flop: Queen of Clubs, 9 of Clubs, 10 of Diamonds
simon6767 checked
mam48 checked
medgypeti bet - $1.00
simon6767 folded
mam48 called - $1.00
** Dealing the turn: 2 of Spades
mam48 checked
medgypeti bet - $2.50
mam48 went all-in - $10.37
medgypeti went all-in - $6.56
** Dealing the river: 3 of Clubs
medgypeti shows: 9 of Diamonds, 9 of Hearts
mam48 shows: 10 of Spades, 10 of Clubs
mam48 wins $20.73 from the main pot
- albino66 sitting in seat 1 with $4.78
- HYPERHYPER1 sitting in seat 2 with $5.78
- xiangxiang sitting in seat 3 with $8.69
- lmslmslms sitting in seat 4 with $10.00 [Sitting out]
- boati sitting in seat 5 with $9.80
- chippi84 sitting in seat 6 with $3.51
- betlikisi sitting in seat 7 with $2.96
- simon6767 sitting in seat 8 with $9.48
- mam48 sitting in seat 9 with $12.13 [Dealer]
- medgypeti sitting in seat 10 with $11.42
medgypeti posted the small blind - $0.05
albino66 posted the big blind - $0.10
** Dealing card to medgypeti: 10 of Clubs, Jack of Spades
xiangxiang folded
boati folded
chippi84 folded
betlikisi folded
simon6767 called - $0.10
mam48 called - $0.10
medgypeti called - $0.10
albino66 bet - $0.20
simon6767 called - $0.20
mam48 called - $0.20
medgypeti called - $0.20
** Dealing the flop: King of Diamonds, King of Spades, Queen of Diamonds
medgypeti checked
albino66 bet - $0.10
simon6767 called - $0.10
mam48 called - $0.10
medgypeti called - $0.10
** Dealing the turn: Ace of Hearts
medgypeti checked
albino66 bet - $1.20
simon6767 folded
mam48 called - $1.20
medgypeti raised - $4.00
albino66 went all-in - $3.38
mam48 called - $4.58
medgypeti called - $4.58
** Dealing the river: Ace of Clubs
medgypeti checked
mam48 checked
albino66 shows: Jack of Diamonds, King of Hearts
mam48 shows: King of Clubs, 2 of Clubs
medgypeti mucks: 10 of Clubs, Jack of Spades
albino66 wins $7.10 from the main pot
mam48 wins $7.10 from the main pot
- Bad_Bangiiee sitting in seat 1 with $14.25
- croaten sitting in seat 2 with $11.61
- zpeti77 sitting in seat 3 with $8.42
- AndyBrum sitting in seat 4 with $7.48 [Dealer]
- medgypeti sitting in seat 5 with $7.05
- chuwanash sitting in seat 6 with $14.39
medgypeti posted the small blind - $0.05
chuwanash posted the big blind - $0.10
** Dealing card to medgypeti: 9 of Clubs, Ace of Hearts
Bad_Bangiiee folded
croaten folded
zpeti77 folded
AndyBrum called - $0.10
medgypeti called - $0.10
chuwanash checked
** Dealing the flop: Ace of Clubs, 3 of Spades, King of Spades
medgypeti bet - $0.30
chuwanash folded
AndyBrum raised - $0.60
medgypeti called - $0.60
** Dealing the turn: 2 of Spades
medgypeti checked
AndyBrum checked
** Dealing the river: Ace of Diamonds
medgypeti bet - $1.00
AndyBrum raised - $4.00
medgypeti called - $4.00
AndyBrum shows: 9 of Spades, Jack of Spades
medgypeti mucks:
AndyBrum wins $9.03 from the main pot
- eMDsHe sitting in seat 1 with $12.80
- MrAnalyze sitting in seat 2 with $9.85
- tomietucker sitting in seat 4 with $6.59
- bluesea sitting in seat 5 with $9.95 [Dealer]
- medgypeti sitting in seat 6 with $9.75
- Yumk96 sitting in seat 7 with $8.36
- Csuzleee sitting in seat 8 with $7.35
- The-Riddler sitting in seat 9 with $25.37
- kippe6 sitting in seat 10 with $10.00 [Sitting out]
medgypeti posted the small blind - $0.05
Yumk96 posted the big blind - $0.10
** Dealing card to medgypeti: Queen of Diamonds, Ace of Spades
Csuzleee folded
The-Riddler folded
eMDsHe folded
MrAnalyze raised - $0.40
tomietucker folded
bluesea folded
medgypeti called - $0.40
Yumk96 folded
** Dealing the flop: Queen of Clubs, 8 of Clubs, Ace of Hearts
medgypeti checked
MrAnalyze bet - $0.45
medgypeti raised - $1.20
MrAnalyze raised - $2.47
medgypeti called - $2.47
** Dealing the turn: 5 of Spades
medgypeti checked
MrAnalyze bet - $5.84
medgypeti folded
MrAnalyze mucks:
MrAnalyze wins $11.39 from the main pot
Ezeknek köszönhetően a mai termésen -2 buyin...Pedig már kezdett jól menni a dolog.Úgy érzem az első kettőről nem igazán tehettem.A 3.-nál szerintetek dobnom kellett volna a turn reraisere?Jobb lett volna elcheckelni tudom...
Én Pacificen jatszottam NL5 meg NL10 et , a legrosszabb remálmaim ezekről a partykrol szolnak. Talán egy masfél hét játék után sikerult osszeszedni eleg penzt és onbizaltmat az NL25hoz.
Pacin kb 3 féle ember játszott ezen a szinten :
1. aki 25$+ al ul az asztalnál, és nap mint nap látod. Vele ovatosan kell bánni, valamit konyít a dologhoz.( a tobbiekhez kepest :) ).
2. aki 2$ al ul be és allin megy ha sok a vak bent, vagy jo lapja van.
3. aki félkarú rablózni jár ide
Az 1es 2es típust hagyd békén, a 3asból dől a lé.
Preflop az AA, AK , AQ, KK, QQ még talán AJ lapokat nagyon agressziven játszottam meg, pozíciótol fuggetlenul. AK,AQ,AJ vel 60c-1$ ig emeltem
az addigi akcioktol fuggoen, AA, KK,QQ val ellen 1$+os emelésére szó nélkül allin mentem. Axs,Kxs lapokat inkabb hatso poziciobol jatszottam ha hagytak limeplni esetleg minrasere, multiway potokban. Többi párral , limpeltem és setre mentem.
Ha eltalált a flop (high pair top kicker,overpair, set, 2 pair stb.. ) és checkeltek pot-nyit beteltem, egyebkent reraise. Legkésőbb a turnön allin. Kivéve ha valamiert nagyon ijesztő volt a flop v turn. Ha nem volt a flopon semmim akkor kb hagytam is a dolgot.
Axs,Kxs el a flushdraw-kat aggressziven játszd meg, tojnak rá ha megvan a 3 szín a táblán.
A preflop betekből, ami 10-50c közé esik, és a 3as tipusu jatekosok tolják, gyakorlatilag semmiféle érdembeli következtetést nem tudtam levonni.
Volt aki 74o val reraiselt preflop... trükkös.
Dióhéjban ennyi. Ja és ahogy eléred a 120-150$-t érdemes egy-két próbát tenni NL25ön. Ég és föld.
Opp, most látom, hogy te longhanded nyomod. Mind1, ha már leírtam postolom :) . Én is LH kezdtem, de sokkal több asztal volt SH így átpártoltam.
Peldaul 4es partyd, top 2 párt floppoltál, és reraiseltek a floppon. Az nálam NL10en szó nélkül allin :). Már ha nem túl nagy stackkel ül bent.