Póker Fórum Archívum > Multi table > Cake 6K garantált leosztásai 06.01 (3.hely)

2008. jún. 3. 9:52

Cake 6K garantált beszámoló 06.01 (3.hely)

Na akkor mint a blogomban ígértem felrakom az érdekesebb handeket:

Eléggé hosszú, szóval csak az olvassa akit érdekel :)

Kezdetektől agresszivan (pár példa):

Hand #1518223355000476: Tournament Table 4
Seat 1: gold*** (5505,00 in chips)
Seat 2: mcgr*** (1200,00 in chips)
Seat 3: blin*** (2115,00 in chips)
Seat 4: AK47*** (1100,00 in chips)
Seat 5: But_Thanks (2695,00 in chips)
Seat 8: whit*** (2445,00 in chips)
Seat 9: glow*** (11435,00 in chips)
Seat 10: kaka*** (2630,00 in chips)
whit***: posts big blind $50
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Ks Ts ]
glow***: folds
kaka***: folds
gold***: folds
mcgr***: calls
blin***: folds
AK47***: folds
But_Thanks: raises to $200
whit***: folds
mcgr***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 8s 4s Ah ]
mcgr***: checks
But_Thanks: bets $450
mcgr***: folds
But_Thanks: returns uncalled bet $450
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks: mucks
But_Thanks wins $450

Hand #1518223355000489: Tournament Table 4
Seat 1: gold*** (5505,00 in chips)
Seat 2: mcgr*** (1000,00 in chips)
Seat 3: blin*** (2115,00 in chips)
Seat 4: AK47*** (1100,00 in chips)
Seat 5: But_Thanks (2945,00 in chips)
Seat 6: SWW7*** (1500,00 in chips)
Seat 8: whit*** (2395,00 in chips)
Seat 9: glow*** (11435,00 in chips)
Seat 10: kaka*** (2630,00 in chips)
whit***: posts small blind $25
glow***: posts big blind $50
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Jc Kc ]
kaka***: folds
gold***: calls
mcgr***: folds
blin***: calls
AK47***: folds
But_Thanks: raises to $275
whit***: folds
glow***: folds
gold***: calls
blin***: calls
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ Ah 7h 7s ]
gold***: checks
blin***: checks
But_Thanks: bets $650
gold***: folds
blin***: folds
But_Thanks: returns uncalled bet $650
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks: mucks
But_Thanks wins $900

Idióta amcsik

Hand #1518223355001578: Tournament Table 4
Seat 1: jake*** (15446,00 in chips)
Seat 2: off2*** (17788,00 in chips)
Seat 4: Trya*** (8105,00 in chips)
Seat 5: But_Thanks (8345,00 in chips)
Seat 6: Anko*** (9646,00 in chips)
Seat 7: capi*** (5900,00 in chips)
Seat 8: duhd*** (11650,00 in chips)
Seat 9: CDub*** (5323,00 in chips)
Seat 10: toka*** (5437,00 in chips)
jakegbfan posts ante of $25
off27 posts ante of $25
Tryangle posts ante of $25
But_Thanks posts ante of $25
Ankoch posts ante of $25
capitalist39 posts ante of $25
duhdeebub posts ante of $25
CDubs posts ante of $25
tokarev posts ante of $25
Anko***: posts small blind $200
capi***: posts big blind $400
Dealt to But_Thanks [ 4c 4h ]
duhd***: folds
CDub***: calls
toka***: calls
jake***: folds
off2***: calls
Trya***: folds
But_Thanks: calls
Anko***: calls
capi***: checks
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 4d Qs 3d ]
Anko***: checks
capi***: is all in 5475.0000
CDub***: folds
toka***: folds
off2***: folds
But_Thanks: is all in 7920.0000
Anko***: folds
But_Thanks: returns uncalled bet $2.445
But_Thanks: shows 4c 4h
capi***: shows Qh 7h
# # # TURN # # # [ Jd ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ 9d ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks wins $13.575 with Three of a Kind, Fours

Hand #1518223355002176: Tournament Table 4
Seat 1: deni*** (16957,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (12020,00 in chips)
Seat 3: phyl*** (20988,00 in chips)
Seat 4: Kasi*** (47568,00 in chips)
Seat 5: Bill*** (42035,00 in chips)
Seat 6: pain*** (70714,00 in chips)
Seat 8: Jers*** (24650,00 in chips)
Seat 9: Snak*** (20450,00 in chips)
Seat 10: YouR*** (30256,00 in chips)
denis013 posts ante of $150
But_Thanks posts ante of $150
phylly40 posts ante of $150
Kasinova posts ante of $150
Billsang posts ante of $150
painforall posts ante of $150
Jersey_Girl posts ante of $150
Snakeeye1 posts ante of $150
YouRaise? posts ante of $150
phyl***: posts small blind $800
Kasi***: posts big blind $1.600
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Js As ]
Bill***: folds
pain***: raises to $3.475
Jers***: folds
Snak***: folds
YouR***: folds
deni***: folds
But_Thanks: is all in 11870.0000
phyl***: folds
Kasi***: folds
pain***: calls
But_Thanks: shows Js As
pain***: shows Jc Tc
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 7d Ad Ks ]
# # # TURN # # # [ Kd ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ 9c ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks wins $27.490 with Two Pairs, Aces and Kings

Végre egy coin flip amit nyerek :-)

Hand #1518223355002251: Tournament Table 4
Seat 1: Kata*** (57764,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (25740,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (75994,00 in chips)
Seat 4: uraq*** (19269,00 in chips)
Seat 5: dawg*** (49200,00 in chips)
Seat 8: ASch*** (85206,00 in chips)
Seat 9: nagr*** (85558,00 in chips)
Seat 10: jArb*** (22705,00 in chips)
Katana99 posts ante of $200
But_Thanks posts ante of $200
hartlis1 posts ante of $200
uraqx posts ante of $200
dawgbite posts ante of $200
ASchiller181 posts ante of $200
nagreco posts ante of $200
jArblebArble posts ante of $200
nagr***: posts small blind $1.000
jArb***: posts big blind $2.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Ks Qs ]
hart***: folds
uraq***: folds
dawg***: folds
ASch***: folds
nagr***: folds
jArb***: folds
Kata***: raises to $6.000
But_Thanks: is all in 21940.0000
Kata***: calls
Kata***: shows 5s 5d
But_Thanks: shows Ks Qs

@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ Ts Td 6d ]
# # # TURN # # # [ Kh ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ Jd ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks wins $52.280 with Two Pairs, Kings and Tens

Amikor már kezdett érdeksebb lenni

Egyértelmű steal, be kell vállalni...

Hand #1518223355002307: Tournament Table 33
Seat 1: Kata*** (59664,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (40680,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (53794,00 in chips)
Seat 5: dawg*** (48800,00 in chips)
Seat 6: pain*** (76313,00 in chips)
Seat 7: rko2*** (38732,00 in chips)
Seat 8: ASch*** (52924,00 in chips)
Seat 9: nagr*** (106400,00 in chips)
Seat 10: jArb*** (26605,00 in chips)
Katana99 posts ante of $400
But_Thanks posts ante of $400
hartlis1 posts ante of $400
dawgbite posts ante of $400
painforall posts ante of $400
rko2008 posts ante of $400
ASchiller181 posts ante of $400
nagreco posts ante of $400
jArblebArble posts ante of $400
Kata***: posts small blind $2.000
But_Thanks: posts big blind $4.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ 7d 7h ]
hart***: folds
dawg***: folds
pain***: folds
rko2***: folds
ASch***: folds
nagr***: folds
jArb***: folds
Kata***: raises to $15.600
But_Thanks: is all in 36280.0000

Kata***: calls
Kata***: shows 7s Ah
But_Thanks: shows 7d 7h
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 6d Kc 4c ]
# # # TURN # # # [ 2h ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ Td ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks wins $84.160 with Pair of Sevens

Na ezen gondolkoztam, de túl jól álltam, ahhoz hogy fel tegyem a versenyt egy coin flipre, rossz esetben 99, 1010 illetve JJ párt is mutathat.... Szerintem ez easy fold! Szerintetek?

Hand #1518223355002335: Tournament Table 33
Seat 1: phyl*** (124703,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (82160,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (138383,00 in chips)
Seat 4: blin*** (119733,00 in chips)
Seat 5: dawg*** (82800,00 in chips)
Seat 6: pain*** (73113,00 in chips)
Seat 7: rko2*** (16332,00 in chips)
Seat 8: ASch*** (4124,00 in chips)
Seat 9: nagr*** (113400,00 in chips)
Seat 10: DADu*** (29000,00 in chips)
phylly40 posts ante of $400
But_Thanks posts ante of $400
hartlis1 posts ante of $400
blind king posts ante of $400
dawgbite posts ante of $400
painforall posts ante of $400
rko2008 posts ante of $400
ASchiller181 posts ante of $400
nagreco posts ante of $400
DADuhWEEwah posts ante of $400
dawg***: posts small blind $2.000
pain***: posts big blind $4.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ 8c 8h ]
rko2***: folds
ASch***: folds
nagr***: folds
DADu***: folds
phyl***: folds
But_Thanks: raises to $12.000
hart***: is all in 137983.0000

blin***: folds
dawg***: folds
pain***: folds
But_Thanks: folds
hart***: returns uncalled bet $125.983
*** SHOW DOWN ***
hart***: mucks
hart*** wins $34.000

A srac agressziv jo jatekosnak tünt. Biztos voltam hogy lopni akar. Pont azért mert a stack méreteket tekintve csak igazán jó handel szabadott volna ezzel próbálkoznia ellenem... Így úgy gondolta ha visszaemel, nagyon erősnek kell megítélnem és fold equityje is volt.... Persze szerencsémre tényleg jó kéz volt nálam. Kockázatos megjátszás volt tőle...

Hand #1518223355002354: Tournament Table 33
Seat 1: phyl*** (116503,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (95360,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (165383,00 in chips)
Seat 4: blin*** (115733,00 in chips)
Seat 5: dawg*** (76800,00 in chips)
Seat 6: pain*** (63113,00 in chips)
Seat 7: rko2*** (9284,00 in chips)
Seat 8: ASch*** (30896,00 in chips)
phylly40 posts ante of $600
But_Thanks posts ante of $600
hartlis1 posts ante of $600
blind king posts ante of $600
dawgbite posts ante of $600
painforall posts ante of $600
rko2008 posts ante of $600
ASchiller181 posts ante of $600
hart***: posts small blind $3.000
blin***: posts big blind $6.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Jc Js ]
dawg***: folds
pain***: folds
rko2***: folds
ASch***: folds
phyl***: folds
But_Thanks: raises to $18.000
hart***: raises to $46.000
blin***: folds
But_Thanks: is all in 76760.0000

hart***: folds
hart***: mucks
But_Thanks: returns uncalled bet $48.760
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks: mucks
But_Thanks wins $102.800

Továbbra is agresszivan

Hand #1518223355002375: Tournament Table 33
Seat 1: phyl*** (115903,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (155804,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (104783,00 in chips)
Seat 4: blin*** (109365,00 in chips)
Seat 5: dawg*** (62400,00 in chips)
Seat 6: pain*** (58913,00 in chips)
Seat 7: rko2*** (53304,00 in chips)
Seat 8: Shvo*** (80345,00 in chips)
phylly40 posts ante of $800
But_Thanks posts ante of $800
hartlis1 posts ante of $800
blind king posts ante of $800
dawgbite posts ante of $800
painforall posts ante of $800
rko2008 posts ante of $800
Shvonder posts ante of $800
blin***: posts small blind $4.000
dawg***: posts big blind $8.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Qc 6s ]
pain***: folds
rko2***: folds
Shvo***: folds
phyl***: folds
But_Thanks: raises to $19.000
hart***: folds
blin***: folds
dawg***: folds
But_Thanks: returns uncalled bet $11.000
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks: mucks
But_Thanks wins $26.400

Egy fölösleges emelés és ezt követően már kér ss ellen nem tudtam dobni.. Persze még így is el kellett volna. Le kell szoknom arról, hogy egy 910s láttán lázba jövök :-)

Hand #1518223355002398: Tournament Table 33
Seat 1: phyl*** (141103,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (171804,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (168983,00 in chips)
Seat 4: blin*** (84565,00 in chips)
Seat 5: dawg*** (48000,00 in chips)
Seat 7: rko2*** (7504,00 in chips)
Seat 8: Shvo*** (69945,00 in chips)
phylly40 posts ante of $800
But_Thanks posts ante of $800
hartlis1 posts ante of $800
blind king posts ante of $800
dawgbite posts ante of $800
rko2008 posts ante of $800
Shvonder posts ante of $800
Shvo***: posts small blind $4.000
phyl***: posts big blind $8.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Tc 9c ]
But_Thanks: raises to $16.000
hart***: folds
blin***: folds
dawg***: is all in 47200.0000
rko2***: is all in 6704.0000

Shvo***: folds
phyl***: folds
But_Thanks: calls
But_Thanks: shows Tc 9c
dawg***: shows Ad 8d
rko2***: shows 9h Ac

@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 4s 2c 8s ]
# # # TURN # # # [ 5s ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ 7h ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
dawg*** wins $82.288 with Pair of Eights
*** SHOW DOWN ***
dawg*** wins $36.416 with Pair of Eights

Ismét JJ-ik

Hand #1518223355002413: Tournament Table 33
Seat 1: phyl*** (229868,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (134604,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (177983,00 in chips)
Seat 4: DCSN*** (261215,00 in chips)
Seat 5: dawg*** (101504,00 in chips)
Seat 6: down*** (102796,00 in chips)
Seat 7: hill*** (58403,00 in chips)
Seat 8: Shvo*** (47945,00 in chips)
Seat 9: nagr*** (166800,00 in chips)
Seat 10: dimo*** (118382,00 in chips)
phylly40 posts ante of $1.200
But_Thanks posts ante of $1.200
hartlis1 posts ante of $1.200
DCSN4LYRCHPS posts ante of $1.200
dawgbite posts ante of $1.200
down river posts ante of $1.200
hill billy posts ante of $1.200
Shvonder posts ante of $1.200
nagreco posts ante of $1.200
dimon 84 posts ante of $1.200
But_Thanks: posts small blind $6.000
hart***: posts big blind $12.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Jc Jh ]
DCSN***: folds
dawg***: folds
down***: folds
hill***: folds
Shvo***: folds
nagr***: raises to $24.100
dimo***: folds
phyl***: folds
But_Thanks: raises to $120.000
hart***: folds
nagr***: folds
But_Thanks: returns uncalled bet $95.900
*** SHOW DOWN ***
But_Thanks: mucks
But_Thanks wins $72.200

Ezután végig nem kaptam egy használható lapot sem, illetve nem igazán volt alkalmas szituáció a lopásokra... Így ez lett a sorsom:

Hand #1518223355002467: Tournament Table 33
Seat 1: phyl*** (1137940,00 in chips)
Seat 2: But_Thanks (49304,00 in chips)
Seat 3: hart*** (212256,00 in chips)
phylly40 posts ante of $2.000
But_Thanks posts ante of $2.000
hartlis1 posts ante of $2.000
hart***: posts small blind $10.000
phyl***: posts big blind $20.000
Dealt to But_Thanks [ Jd 4h ]
But_Thanks: is all in 47304.0000
hart***: folds
phyl***: calls
phyl***: shows 9d 3h

But_Thanks: shows Jd 4h
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 7d 7h 3c ]
# # # TURN # # # [ 6c ]
&&& RIVER &&& [ Th ]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
phyl*** wins $110.608 with Two Pairs, Sevens and Threes

Válasz Zoleee kommentjére
2008. jún. 3. 11:03

Grat még1x az eredményekhez. WP.

Hozzáfűznivalók (össze-vissza):
1. a T9s szerintem azért még így is dobó...
2. a 88 ugyancsak - jó döntés volt részedről
3. Az első két partival azért akadnak "gondjaim" - a cake játékosállománya kifejezetten nem "normális". A gyenge játékosok pedig mint tapasztalhattuk sokszor szeretnek játszani, ha meglátnak egy ászt. Tehát callolnak egy A3o-val, majd ha megjön a lapjuk (a remek ász, kicker nélkül), akkor ragaszkodnak is hozzá rendesen. Tehát sztem ez a játék veszélyes, és sokba fájhat. Tény, hogy most sikeres volt a cbet.

Élő ügyfélszolgálat