szerinted bele tud túrni a gépedbe? max screenshot szvsz. ha turkálni tudnának az nagy baj lenne, és törvénytelen is.
Nem tudom, hogy mi van az NDA-ban. Nem tartom elképzelhetetlennek azt, hogy a szerint futtathatnak olyan programot a gépeden a kliens mellett, ami az esetleg futó postgresql adatbázist megnézegeti.
Mondom, ez feltételezés és kérdés akart lenni...
Two Plus Two Poker Forum - View Single Post - Any Full Tilt Mods Yet? (1 included)
ez tökéletes számomra. megy faszán. kártya és asztal is perfekto grinder
Én nem tudom mi van de eddig szépen nyeregettem erre most a szoftverfrissítés óta csak bukom.:(
Ma 3 AA és 2 QQ-m bukott és egy AKs vs KQo-t is sikerült benéznem.
azt hallottam mostantól csalnak!
azt hallottam mostantól csalnak!
Hát ha nagyon akarják ki lehet azért deríteni.
Futó processzek listája, screenshot stb, szóval úgy ahogy csalások ellen is védekeznek, ki tudja mik vannak beépítve a kliensbe.:)
Ha elíndítja az ember és van megfelelő joga (pl. adminként vagyunk bejelentkezve stb) szinte bármit elérhet.
Pl. meglátják, hogy xy userről 5k handünk van, de csak 150-et játszottunk vele, elég valószínű hogy vettük/kaptuk valahonnan az adatokat.
Ezek lehetségesek szerintetek? Ez már összeesküvés-elmélet szagú.:)
De én is inkább valószínűnek tartom, hogy aki árulja arra hajtanak...
Van már valami frisített betpot script ami működik full tilt alatt?
Kijavították a görgős hibát ami engem nagyon zavart, meg még néhány dolgot.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for all of the feedback so far on yesterday's update. We're working hard to address the issues that have come up.
Fixed in today's update:
1. Lag issues - There was a bug in the sound code that was causing frequent lag for many players. This is now fixed. If you turned off sounds, feel free to turn them back on.
If you still experience lag (that is, client side animation type lag, not normal "bad internet connection" type lag) please post or PM me describing exactly what you are experiencing and what kind of computer you have and what other software is running at the time.
2. Last Hand Replayer - This should now work the very first time you start the game instead of taking two tries to work.
There was an additional issue found where players can't use the replayer no matter how many times they restart. We've tracked the issue down, but unfortunately it wasn't fixed in time for today's update. It has to do with non-English Windows Operating Systems. So if you've got that problem and you have a non-English OS, a fix is coming soon.
If you use an English OS and are still having trouble getting the replayer to work, please post or PM some details and we'll look into it.
3. Tournament lobbies popping up - When your table breaks and you get moved to a new table, the tournament lobby no longer pops up. Just a bug, sorry about that.
4. Bet slider - The mouse wheel now works on the bet slider like it used to.
5. Tables popping - A number of you have posted that tables aren't popping in front of your web browser (or any other application) when it's your turn to act. We believe we've fixed the issue, but there were a few variations of the bug reported so it's hard to say if we got them all.
If you're still seeing the issue and you're sure that you have "Display Table on Action" checked, any additional info you can provide will be helpful.
Things that might be helpful:
1. If you are having problems with your old saved layouts detaching the chat every time you apply it, please try saving a new layout with the chat attached. It should work fine. What happened here is that the layouts now remember the state of the chat box when they're saved and before they didn't. It's possible old saved layouts are confusing the new layout behavior.
2. If you can't connect, see if you have some anti-virus software that's interfering with the connection. We're currently working with the AV vendors to make sure we aren't setting off a "false positive," but it may take a few days for those lists to update.
Things we couldn't fix for this update:
1. Missing cards - We're still having trouble reproducing this. If you experience it, please post or PM me about it and include all of the details you can think of (what were you playing at the time, how many tables, what kind of computer, what other software was running) that might help us debug the problem. This is an extremely high priority for us.
2. Small cards - We're going to look into possibly having a little checkbox option in the Options menu that will allow you to choose between the new style of small cards and just using a small version of the normal sized cards.
a rakebacket mikor szokták küldeni pénteken nagyjából?