Hogyan kell upgradelni az accountot? Letöltöm és kész?
Az új ftp klilenst töltsd le majd jelentkezz be rá az ftp-s accodal, hogy upragelni tudd az accod.
Én frissítettem a Full Tilt klienset, beléptem a stars accommal, ahogy kérte és most nem látom a full tilten lévő pénzem, csak azt ami eddig a starson volt. A Full Tilt FAQ-ba azt írják, h. egyből elérhetőbé válik a pénz:
"Once you have updated your account to a new Stars Account, your assets will be available immediately."
Aha, egyből átjött, van egy sor a historyban mint jóváírás
Androdidos full tilt kilens létezik? Olyan ami nem csak play money? Ha igen honnan tudom letölteni?
Aki játszott ma a Deal-en (13:47 előtti 12 órában) annak most jó a kedve.
MI van a Deal-lel nem látom a lobbyba nem elérhető nekünk?
Pár napja küldték emailbe:
We are writing to inform you that The Deal jackpot game on Full Tilt will be stopped on December 19th. The Deal will be re-launched on December 21st but this time will be available to both Full Tilt and PokerStars players.
The final jackpot amount from The Deal on Full Tilt will be carried over to a special All-in Shootout tournament and redistributed to players who participated in The Deal since the last time the jackpot was hit. If you are one of the registered players, you will receive email confirmation by December 24th.
The Deal Jackpot All-in Shootout will take place on Sunday, December 25th. Please keep in mind that all players will be registered to this tournament automatically and will be put all-in every hand until there is a winner. You do not have to be logged into the client to take part.
In the new version of The Deal, the Deal Freeroll tickets will be replaced with StarsCoin prizes. For players on FullTilt who have tickets for the freerolls, we will continue to run the daily freerolls until January 18th to give all players a chance to utilize their tickets. We expect that the number of entrants in each freeroll to decrease, providing more value to players every day!
Full Tilt
Ez ezt nem vettem ésre a levelek között
Erre mondják hogy "New Deal"?