Válasz GStealer kommentjére
2011. aug. 31. 22:49
Válasz Neomorf kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 15:58

We will be releasing a client update over the next few days. This update contains some very exciting features!

Easy Seat (Beta)
Easy Seat transforms the experience of starting your multi-tabling session. Once you set up your Easy Seat preferences you will be able to launch your sessions with just a single click from the main lobby! Taking seats has never been this easy.

Once started, Easy Seat will automatically look for free seats at tables that match your criteria. If there aren’t enough free seats Easy Seat will add you to suitable waiting lists. For example, if you specify that you want to play 18 tables of $1/$2 No Limit Hold’em at fast tables, the Easy Seat system will seat you at 18 tables as fast as possible. Here is a screenshot of the lobby control which is located in the bottom right of the list of ring games.


Easy Seat can also help maintain your desired number of tables. If you enable “Session Mode”, when tables close Easy Seat will open new ones to keep you at your desired number.

Easy Seat will initially be in a Beta stage and not shown by default in the main ring game lobby. To test out Easy Seat, please go to ‘Options’ > ‘Lobby Display Options’ and select ‘Show Easy Seat (Beta)’. For best results you should enable Auto-Buyin to make the process as seamless as possible.

If you have any feedback about this new feature, please email us at

Timed Tournaments
Timed tournaments are perfect when you want to play a tournament but only have a limited amount of time. Timed tournaments end after a pre-defined period. Once the time limit is reached, surviving players are paid out based wholly or partially on chip counts. Currently we are testing various configuration options at low stakes but we will be rolling out more timed tournaments after WCOOP.

New “PokerStars Nova” Table Themes
The new table themes that some players have already tested will be released to all players with this update. These themes include a new table design, and features that many players asked for, such as North/South seating, bigger fonts, more distinguishable cards of opponents etc. To use one of the new themes simply go to ‘View’ > ‘Table Themes’ and pick one of the Nova themes. These new themes are still in Beta stage, so please email feedback to Below is a screenshot with slight modifications from what the testing players experienced:


4-Max Final Table
4-Max tournaments will now go to the final table at 5 players. This means that you will be playing 5-handed in a ‘4-Max’ tournament but this avoids the uneven situation of one table having to play heads-up while the other is 3-handed.

Show Full Hole Cards
If you enable this option (under 'Options' > 'Table Display Options') you will see the whole of both hole cards. Many players suggest that this makes it easier to read your hand.

Show Large Opponent Cards
If you enable this option (under 'Options' > 'Table Display Options') the size of your opponents’ hole cards is increased. Many players suggest that this makes it easier to quickly see who is left in a hand.

Fold and Show/Show One Card
Players will now be given the ability to Fold and Show (rather than just fold) when last to act. Players will also be able to only show some of their cards rather than having to choose between showing all or none. You choose which card(s) you want to show by clicking on them.

Fold and Show does not work in draw games. As before, general preferences for whether to ever show are controlled in the ‘Showing / Mucking Hands’ section of the Options menu.

Ring Game Lobby Improvements
We have made improvements to the ring game lobby. There will be a new ‘Type’ column that will show game speed and buy-in structure, and an icon for table size. The table column will now only have the table name.

Animation Improvements
We have made improvements to some of the table animations in the client so they are smoother. This is part of a large project that will gradually improve animations in the client even more.

As always we have also made a number of other minor fixes / improvements to the client and server. These include changing tournament filters to reflect total buyin including knockouts and rake (rather than just buyin as previously).

A big thanks to all players from the community who were involved in the testing of the new table themes or Easy Seat over the last month. Your feedback has been very valuable!

Note: The above changes would only take effect once your gaming client has been updated, which could happen at different times for different players. Please ensure you are running PokerStarsUpdate.exe to get the update.

Válasz prims kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:14

@prims: ezt az asztalstílust honnan vetted? tetszik :)

Válasz ferkocse kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:17

updateld a kliesnt

Válasz prims kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:18

az ú j asztal stílust már lehet alkalmazni

Válasz ferkocse kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:19

Remélem a számok nagyobbak lesznek, ha minimum nagyságúra veszem le az asztalok méretét.

Válasz ferkocse kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:19

@prims: ezt az asztalstílust honnan vetted? tetszik :)

Igaz update és ott is van.

Válasz limisus kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:22

Szerintem a Home games-en belül lehet összeállítani témát.
Vagy nem jól tudom? :)

Nem jól tudod, a régi asztal stílusok fölött vannak: zöld, kék, piros és fekete színben.Elvileg ha elindítod a ps-t az újra telepíti magát és akkor már lehet is használni.

Válasz limisus kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:23

hazaérek és update, kösz!
(most "dolgozom"...)

Válasz zsugabubus23 kommentjére
2011. szept. 1. 16:23

a rohadt életbe!most akartam cashoutolni,erre az évre mindenké most ezek miatt a frissitések miatt lehen mégsem fogok:S
g@ci pokerstars:P
hátmégha a ninja is updatel az ujj témákhoz,az lessz a tuti

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