2008. nov. 1. 4:31

NL100 FR AK drawy flop

Hand #1671011624000080: Chelsea 11624
Seat 1: cool*** (99,10 in chips)
Seat 2: Beav*** (110,35 in chips)
Seat 3: swan*** (106,55 in chips)
Seat 4: I BE*** (107,21 in chips)
Seat 5: nian*** (95,00 in chips)
Seat 6: pensacola (98,00 in chips)
Seat 7: aces*** (56,75 in chips)
Seat 8: JLyn*** (96,30 in chips)
Seat 9: hedd*** (151,45 in chips)
Seat 10: Card*** (119,25 in chips)
pensacola: posts small blind $0,50
aces***: posts big blind $1
Dealt to pensacola [ Kh Ac ]
hedd***: folds
Card***: calls
cool***: calls
Beav***: folds
swan***: folds
I BE***: calls
nian***: folds
pensacola: raises to $7
aces***: folds
Card***: calls
cool***: calls
I BE***: folds
@@@ F_L_O_P @@@ [ 8c Jc Qc ]
pensacola: bets $13,25
Card***: raises to $32
cool***: folds
pensacola: ???

info nincs (cake)

Válasz Neomorf kommentjére
2008. nov. 1. 7:40

én ráhúznám az allint, flush ellen ugyebár van 7 outunk, set ellen meg 13 out amennyiben a turn card nem páros

call az biztos nem option oop mert bármiylen semleges turn esetén ránk huzza ha meg lejön a szinünk akkor úgyse fizet ki

fold meg szerintem nagyon weaktight itt

Válasz darklol kommentjére
2008. nov. 1. 15:34

Sztem +EV a push. Nagy ritkán dobhat is, de a szűk megadó zónája ellen is megvan a pot odds a 7-14 outtal.

Board: 8c Jc Qc

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 38.660% 38.59% 00.07% 16046 29.00 { AcKh }
Hand 1: 61.340% 61.27% 00.07% 25476 29.00 { QQ-JJ, 88, KcTc, QJs, T9s, 7c6c, 6c5c, 5c4c, 4c3c, KcQd, KcQh, KcQs, QJo, T9o }

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