hú basszus, pedig én azt hittem poénból írtam :D
Inkább kárörvendő és lenéző volt mint ironikus, de ha szerinted az volt legyen az!
Action folded to Phil Ivey in the cutoff seat and he raised to 20,000. On the button, Samuel Golbuff reraised all in for 159,000. The blinds folded and Ivey quickly called.
Ivey turned over the :8h::8s: and was way ahead of the :6h::2c: for Golbuff.
The flop came down an interesting :5c::3c::2d:, giving Golbuff a pair and a straight draw, but keeping Ivey in front.
The :Ks: landed on the turn and Ivey was still in the lead, but a miracle :4c: on the river gave Golbuff a six-high straight and doubled him up.
Ivey was cripped and down to just 11,000 in chips.
Action folded to Phil Ivey in the cutoff seat and he raised to 20,000. On the button, Samuel Golbuff reraised all in for 159,000. The blinds folded and Ivey quickly called.
Ivey turned over the :8h::8s: and was way ahead of the :6h::2c: for Golbuff.
The flop came down an interesting :5c::3c::2d:, giving Golbuff a pair and a straight draw, but keeping Ivey in front.
The :Ks: landed on the turn and Ivey was still in the lead, but a miracle :4c: on the river gave Golbuff a six-high straight and doubled him up.
Ivey was cripped and down to just 11,000 in chips.
Ilyen a vegasi RNG.
Ááá ilyen nincs, már megint az a rohadt river! Hihetetlen, komolyan mondom nem hiszem el. Hiába, nincs szerencséje sajnos, főleg a döntő pillanatokban nincs, bár abban amúgy se volt eddig se túl sok neki, úgyhogy már meg sem lepődöm.
Na nem baj majd legközelebb. Hajrá Ivey!
Azért el ne kezd sajnálni 8 karkötővel, SLR Mclarennel és jó pár millióval :) Sztem ő is kiheveri.