lehet hanyagolom ezt a 0.10$ 360 fős turbo sng-t, mivel itt annyi a mákolás, mindennel pusholnak, nem lehet normálisan játszani sem, amennyi barom van ott, megint csak a mákolás miatt estem ki ilyen hamar, vagy ezt én csesztem el ? weaktight | Hand | JQo - No Limit Holdem Tournament
PokerStars Tournament #480149051, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.09/$0.01 USD
360 players
Total Prize Pool: $32.40 USD
Tournament started 2011/12/07 12:40:25 CET [2011/12/07 6:40:25 ET]
Dear bacardi2268,
You finished the tournament in 21st place. A USD 0.27 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
You earned 22.01 tournament leader points in this tournament. For information about our tournament leader board, see our web site at PokerStars Multi-Table Tournament Leader Board Home Page
ezt hogy játszottátok volna meg
annyi infóm volt róla h: portugál
meg most ennyi: Zé Zé Sete Poker Player Ranking and Stats at PokerStars
$0.01/$0.02 No Limit Holdem
7 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight | fold when you know you're beat
UTG Aleus555 ($1.20)
UTG+1 bendebest666 ($6.14)
MP hunterct ($2.13)
CO Zé Zé Sete ($2.80)
BTN monokli ($1.90)
SB EvilDeeds777 ($2)
BB trallado ($1.61)
Pre-Flop: ($0.03, 7 players) monokli is BTN :qh: :qs:
1 fold, bendebest666 raises to $0.04, 1 fold, Zé Zé Sete raises to $0.12, monokli raises to $0.30, 2 folds, bendebest666 folds, Zé Zé Sete calls $0.18
Flop: :4d: :6h: :8d: ($0.67, 2 players)
Zé Zé Sete bets $0.28, monokli raises to $0.76, Zé Zé Sete calls $0.48
Turn: :kh: ($2.19, 2 players)
Zé Zé Sete checks, monokli goes all-in $0.84, Zé Zé Sete calls $0.84
River: :7s: ($3.87, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: $3.87
Zé Zé Sete shows a straight, Four to Eight
:ad: :5d:
monokli shows
:qh: :qs:
Zé Zé Sete wins $3.69 (net +$1.79)
monokli lost $1.90
bendebest666 lost $0.04
itt volt amit elcsesztem ?
weaktight | Hand | KQo - No Limit Holdem Tournament
weaktight | Hand | JJ - No Limit Holdem Tournament egy fish volt 100 VPIPvel (32 hand alatt) és mindig csak pusholt
weaktight | Hand | JJ - No Limit Holdem Tournament 20BBvel ez kár volt ???
weaktight | Hand | 96o - No Limit Holdem Tournament reméltem lejön a sorom (ez a sokadik A8as mákolásom)
weaktight | Hand | AQo - $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Holdem 40vpip 0 pfr 5 afq (csak call/fold) ?
weaktight | Hand | A8o - $0.01/$0.02 No Limit Holdem két fish ellen tettem be, úgy gondoltam ez jó volt, csak a végén mák
PokerStars Tournament #481273600, No Limit Hold'em
Buy-In: $0.10 USD
3836 players
$50.00 USD added to the prize pool by PokerStars
Total Prize Pool: $433.60 USD
Tournament started 2011/12/15 16:00:00 CET [2011/12/15 10:00:00 ET]
Dear bacardi2268,
You finished the tournament in 72nd place. A USD 0.65 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
Miközben játszogatom ezeket a micro MTT-ket, és %-kat vettem, elkezdtem még többet tanulni pokert, mint eddig.
Itt is és konkurens oldalakon is, főként videókat, de cikkeket is olvasok.
Remélem meg lesz a böjtje.
Az új évre már szeretnék túllenni: (pl. a konkurens oldalon, van egy pókeriskola nevű videó sorozat, ami 14+ db videóból áll), aztán még az itteni kezdő cikkeket is elkezdem újraolvasni, h az alapok rögződjenek minél jobban, mer még mindig kevés amit tudok az alapokról.
Uh remélem a közeljövőben jobban fog menni a poker mint most, és talán még szintet is léphetek majd.
Buy-In: $0.09/$0.01 USD
360 players
Total Prize Pool: $32.40 USD
Tournament started 2011/12/17 1:50:14 CET [2011/12/16 19:50:14 ET]
Dear bacardi2268,
You finished the tournament in 2nd place. A USD 4.86 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
A HEADSUP-ban ez volt a kieső handem, utólag úgy gondolom, h lehet nem kellett volna pusholni a flöss esély miatt.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight | fold when you know you're beat
SB Cimarron IV (364k)
BB monokli (176k)
Blinds: 8k/16k Ante 1.6k
Pre-Flop: (27k, 2 players) monokli is BB :4h: :ad:
Cimarron IV calls 8k, monokli checks
Flop: :2c: :4d: :9c: (35k, 2 players)
monokli bets 48k, Cimarron IV calls 48k
Turn: :5h: (131k, 2 players)
monokli goes all-in 110k, Cimarron IV calls 110k
River: :jc: (351k, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: 351k
Cimarron IV shows a flush, Jack high
:tc: :3c:
monokli shows a pair of Fours
:4h: :ad:
Cimarron IV wins 351k (net +176k)
monokli lost 176k
Ma még egy FT, talán most már kezdek ráérezni, hogyan kell tolni egy ilyenen.
Buy-In: $0.09/$0.01 USD
360 players
Total Prize Pool: $32.40 USD
Tournament started 2011/12/17 13:24:31 CET [2011/12/17 7:24:31 ET]
Dear bacardi2268,
You finished the tournament in 7th place. A USD 1.13 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
Ezt pozíción kívül kár volt megadnom sajnos.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
7 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight | fold when you know you're beat
UTG zluzerz (47k)
UTG+1 V.V.Ufa (71k)
MP jolcsy (42k)
CO LATIFA2001 (151k)
BTN Rajny001 (149k)
SB Hero (53k)
BB nomilax (26k)
Blinds: 5k/10k Ante 1k
Pre-Flop: (22k, 7 players) Hero is SB :js: :qc:
4 folds, Rajny001 raises to 30k, Hero calls 25k, 1 fold
Flop: :6d: :5h: :8d: (77k, 2 players)
Hero goes all-in 22k, Rajny001 calls 22k
Turn: :2c: (122k, 2 players, 1 all-in)
River: :9h: (122k, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: 122k
Rajny001 shows high card Ace
:kh: :ac:
Hero shows high card Queen
:js: :qc:
Rajny001 wins 122k (net +68k)
Hero lost 53k
Buy-In: $0.09/$0.01 USD
360 players
Total Prize Pool: $32.40 USD
Tournament started 2011/12/17 1:50:14 CET [2011/12/16 19:50:14 ET]
Dear bacardi2268,
You finished the tournament in 2nd place. A USD 4.86 award has been credited to your Real Money account.
A HEADSUP-ban ez volt a kieső handem, utólag úgy gondolom, h lehet nem kellett volna pusholni a flöss esély miatt.
No Limit Holdem Tournament
2 Players
Hand Conversion Powered by weaktight | fold when you know you're beat
SB Cimarron IV (364k)
BB monokli (176k)
Blinds: 8k/16k Ante 1.6k
Pre-Flop: (27k, 2 players) monokli is BB :4h: :ad:
Cimarron IV calls 8k, monokli checks
Flop: :2c: :4d: :9c: (35k, 2 players)
monokli bets 48k, Cimarron IV calls 48k
Turn: :5h: (131k, 2 players)
monokli goes all-in 110k, Cimarron IV calls 110k
River: :jc: (351k, 2 players, 1 all-in)
Final Pot: 351k
Cimarron IV shows a flush, Jack high
:tc: :3c:
monokli shows a pair of Fours
:4h: :ad:
Cimarron IV wins 351k (net +176k)
monokli lost 176k
Sima push..Jah es oop ne callolgass ilyen 5bb-bol:S
flopon kisebb bet is elég kb 2/3 pot,turntől pedig check nálam(kaptál ugye egy sor húzót)max. ha belenyit akkor vissza mondtam volna az allint mert már sok benne volt a potban, river c/f
Amúgy GL!