Válasz Gaabeesz kommentjére
2013. okt. 25. 11:11

Hátha érdekel valakit. Stars végre tette a dolgát.

Dear Supernova+ VIP,

We have recently closed some Supernova+ VIP accounts for violations of our site rules in cases where we believe the players were not acting with malicious intent, but were instead simply unaware of our rules or not fully thinking through the impact of their actions. Our VIP and Game Integrity departments have worked together to write this email to try to keep this from happening to any more valued Supernova+ VIPs. Please read and carefully consider the below information as it relates to your play on the site to ensure that you don’t break a game rule without being aware.

All of the rules covered in this newsletter are in place for the benefit of you, our players. We must enforce the rules strictly in order to protect you from unfair play, regardless of the intent. It is your responsibility to know the rules and abide by them; we cannot allow ignorance to excuse rule violations that materially harm other players.

You are not being sent this email because of anything you have done. We are sending this email to all Supernova+ VIPs.


As a Supernova VIP you should already understand that sharing holecards with another player at the table during play constitutes collusion, a violation of our rules. You may not be aware that soft-play and stack-balancing are also forms of collusion.

You might be tempted to consider an agreement, formal or informal, with a regular opponent at the tables with whom you have become friendly. It can be socially awkward to play your hardest against your acquaintances and especially your friends, particularly when significant sums of money are at stake or when there is mutual respect of each other’s poker skills. However, you must resist the temptation to soft-play, as while intentions might not be malicious, such agreements do materially harm other players at the table. We are able to review playing statistics to detect such agreements, potentially resulting in offending players losing their ability to play on PokerStars and the funds in their accounts.

If you play non-HU Sit & Go tournaments, you’ll want to be particularly careful. Technically you are breaking our collusion rules if you are at any time not acting in your best interests in the current tournament, even if your activities are not coordinated with anyone else. For example, it is not allowed as the big stack in a satellite paying multiple places to avoid calling against weak players in an attempt to ensure that a stronger, regular player finishes out of the money.


If you are involved in staking, profit-sharing or any similar arrangement in which you have a financial interest in another player’s action, then you should not sit at the same ring game table or play the same Sit & Go tournament as the other player. This applies for *all* play, regardless of whether you have that player’s action for the current session.

We must enforce this rule for two reasons. The first reason is concern over appearances; many players would feel cheated if they knew that two opponents had such an agreement, regardless of their opponents’ intentions or actions. The second reason is that while the conscious intention may not be to alter play against such players, humans may find their decisions altered by their subconscious. It is impossible to guarantee that actions are not being affected by a financial interest in the outcome for one of your opponents.

Potential consequences for violating this rule may include, but are not limited to, the inability to sit at the same table or tournament as a particular opponent and even a temporary suspension of playing privileges.


You should already be aware that you are only allowed to have one PokerStars account. Additionally, you may not use another player’s PokerStars account or allow another player to use your PokerStars account. The following activities are prohibited:

1. Your friend wants to transfer you $1000 to play with, but is away from his computer. He gives you his password so that you can log in and make the transfer yourself.

2. You are staked by another player. The staking deal requires you to give him your password so that he can verify how the arrangement is progressing.

3. You take over an MTT from your friend because he is not as good at poker as you.

4. Your friend plays on your account while you are asleep so that you can win the TLB.

Giving advice to another player on a limited, ad-hoc basis is not multi-accounting. However, it is not permitted to operate a paid ‘ghosting’ service where you provide players with advice in exchange for compensation of any type. Similarly, organized and/or lengthy advice sessions are against the rules.


We take our commitment to provide safe and secure games very seriously. We enforce the rules strictly for your protection, even if that sometimes means taking action against those who did not intend any harm. Please take this opportunity to know and understand our rules in order to ensure that you don’t unintentionally violate them and risk serious consequences including account closure.

Best wishes,
PokerStars Game Integrity Team
PokerStars VIP Team

Válasz naggeri kommentjére
2013. okt. 25. 14:24

Az mindig megcsinálja a napomat, amikor a Stars fair-play érdekében tett lépéseiről hallok. Ha-ha. Fel sem fogjuk, mekkora szívás ez nekünk, hogy egy ilyen gusztustalan banda tarolta le a piacot.

"However, it is not permitted to operate a paid ‘ghosting’ service where you provide players with advice in exchange for compensation of any type. Similarly, organized and/or lengthy advice sessions are against the rules." - e szerint meg akkor a coaching általánosan elterjedt formája is tilos.

Válasz Thomasson kommentjére
2013. okt. 25. 14:37

coaching =/ ghosting
ettől függetlenül nyilván nem tudják megakadályozni ha ghostol valaki, bár sokkal több mindent tudnak mint gondolnánk. Itt egy példa hogy ha valakit kivizsgálnak akkor azért elég sok infot össze tudnak gyűjteni. Szóval jobb nem gyanúba keveredni.

Hello XXX,

Because we have been unable to reach you by telephone despite several attempts to do so, we will conduct the interview by Email.

We believe that you may have been developing and using a prohibited application in conjunction with your play on PokerStars. To help us make a determination about this, please answer the following questions.

1. Please detail your relationship with player 'Player'. Name the player by full name if you can, and describe how you know the player in detail.

2. Please detail your relationship with player ‘Player2'. Name the player by full name if you can, and describe how you know the player in detail.

3. Before your account shutdown, we noted that you suddenly "stepped down" from your normal high stakes [My preferred game Full Ring] to play lower stakes [My preferred game Heads Up]. What was the impetus for this change in your game selection?

4. You seem to have used two different machines for your play, one machine for high stakes full ring, and a different machine for your low stakes heads up play. Why was this?

5. One of the machines in question, the one used to play the heads up games, was a Virtual Machine. Why did you find it necessary to use a virtual machine for your heads up play, but not your high stakes play?

6. The playing profile for each of the game selections was rather distinctive and consistent, yet they differed from each other. For example, your reaction time in the heads up games was very fast and very consistent, while your full ring game you played slower and with more variance in your action times. Your tables were of varying sizes and positions when you played high stakes, but were meticulously sized and positioned the same way every time for heads up. Can you explain these differences?

7. You stopped playing low stakes heads up Razz on [A nice summer day]. Why did you stop? What happened to the virtual machine you were using after that date?

8. You were observed using several unusual applications, predominantly during your heads up low stakes play. Please explain your reason for the use of each of the following:

Camtasia Studio
Embarcadero RAD Studio

TeamViewer continued to be used beyond October 12th. Whose machine were you remote-controlling, and/or who was remote-controlling you?

9. Who is [My Real name]? What is the meaning of [2 friends]?

10. The following application was observed on your machine:

c:\users\[blub]\desktop\8.5 - ps\debug\win32\icq.exe

It carried several version numbers, and varied in file size. What is the purpose of this file? Did you supply a copy of this program to any other player? What is the meaning of its name, ICQ? Would you be willing to supply a copy of the executable, and a copy of the source code that we could compile ourselves, in order to verify the purpose of this application?

11. We conducted several tests to determine if a human was present at the controls while Quicktob.exe was running. These tests would have gone unnoticed by a human player, but would have confused an automated software player, rendering it unable to continue playing. These tests were failed multiple times at low stakes heads up, but passed during high stakes play. Please explain.

Thank you for your cooperation in answering these questions.

Válasz naggeri kommentjére
2013. okt. 26. 19:23


Egy olyan kérdésem lenne hogy aug-ba lettem Supernova a starson ami 2014.03.31ig tart , ez melett kaptam egy 2600$os Vip csillag díjat , ezt év végéig kellene kijátszanom vagy ameddig a Supernova szintem tart ?


Válasz donkbet90 kommentjére
2013. okt. 26. 19:32


Egy olyan kérdésem lenne hogy aug-ba lettem Supernova a starson ami 2014.03.31ig tart , ez melett kaptam egy 2600$os Vip csillag díjat , ezt év végéig kellene kijátszanom vagy ameddig a Supernova szintem tart ?



Válasz titcar kommentjére
2013. okt. 26. 19:41


Ezzel most sokat segítettél!! :D

Válasz Thomasson kommentjére
2013. okt. 26. 19:55

200K VPP után jár a 2600$ magyarul dupla Supernova :D

[TABLE="width: 566"]
[TH="class: last, bgcolor: #D7D6D6, colspan: 5"]Supernova elérése BronzeStar szintről[/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #D7D6D6"]Éves VPP[/TH]
[TH="class: last, bgcolor: #D7D6D6, colspan: 4"]VIP jutalmak[/TH]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"] [/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]FPP-k1[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]VIP Csillagdíjak[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]Mérföldkő pénzjutalmak[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]VIP versenyek2[/TD]
[TR="class: alt"]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]100 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]3 910 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]nincs[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]220+ $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]200 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]9 510 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]2 600 $[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]720+ $[/TD]
[TR="class: alt"]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]300 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]15 110 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]5 400 $[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]970+ $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]400 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]20 710 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]8 400 $[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]970+ $[/TD]
[TR="class: alt"]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]500 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]26 310 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]11 600 $[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]970+ $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]600 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]31 910 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]15 200 $[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]970+ $[/TD]
[TR="class: alt"]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]700 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]37 510 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]19 000 $[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #EAE8E8"]970+ $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]800 000[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]43 110 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]1 200 $[/TD]
[TD="bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]23 200 $[/TD]
[TD="class: last, bgcolor: #F5F3F3"]970+ $


Válasz S0nnyB1ack kommentjére
2013. okt. 26. 19:59

9kor van ma 100K free starson (gold+)

egy sima eldöntendő kérdésre adott válaszon nem tudom mit nem lehet érteni, de mind1 :D

Válasz titcar kommentjére
2013. okt. 26. 20:09


Egy olyan kérdésem lenne hogy aug-ba lettem Supernova a starson ami 2014.03.31ig tart , ez melett kaptam egy 2600$os Vip csillag díjat , ezt év végéig kellene kijátszanom vagy ameddig a Supernova szintem tart ?



9kor van ma 100K free starson (gold+)

egy sima eldöntendő kérdésre adott válaszon nem tudom mit nem lehet érteni, de mind1 :D

Ezt inkább megválaszolandó kérdésnek érzem...Ha arra a kérdésre, hogy: A körtét vagy az almát szereted az "Igen" választ adod, azzal nem sok mindent válaszolsz meg :D

Válasz asdator kommentjére
2013. okt. 26. 20:14

"ezt év végéig kellene kijátszanom vagy ameddig a Supernova szintem tart ? "

a pontos válasz: igen, nem

a dupla kérdés második felét nem válaszolta meg Titcar :D

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