Hali...igaz nem skrill, hanem elleres vagyok..de:
Ugyanazzal az email-címmel, ugyanazon adatokkal(kivéve a telefonszám)regeltem be .es-re mint .eu-ra.
Mind2 teremben megy a be és kifizetés is gond nélkül.
Beállítások-Asztal kinézete-Értesítések? Erre gondoltál?
5eu-s spinen megjelentek a FehérOrosz, Lengyel playák(lehet voltak eddig is, de ma felfigyeltem 1-2 ügyesebb játékosra és mivel ilyen hihetetlen városnevek voltak így rágugliztam párra.)....viszonylag jó statokkal tolják, de elég gyengén, egyenlőre nem vészes, de ebből gondolván a feljebbi limiteken már lesznek jó regek is ,aminek már most nem tudok annyira örülni :-D A franc egye ki a belüket :-D :-D
jah már nem lehet játszani nélkülük, nekik muszáj mindenhol ott rohadni sajnos. nekik kéne belső piac azt csaljanak egymás közt minket meg engedjenek játszani
szerintem szemeteljétek tele ezt a topikot is, abból aztán baj nem lehet...
We have noticed that recently you have tried out a program called "Holdem Manager 1". Key features of this software cause it to be in violation of sections 5.5 through 5.7 of our Terms of Service:
PokerStars permits tools and services that monitor and display numerical based statistics in-game, but make use of only information which you have accumulated through your own play. Such tools are commonly referred to as hand history trackers, and they typically provide a heads-up display (HUD) to show the gameplay statistics of other players at the table.
Such tools may:
- Display an unlimited number of numerical based statistics on the frequencies of specific actions having occurred by the respective player, providing it is calculated from hands in which the end-user personally participated in
- Include pop-up based HUD functionality to further display additional statistics
- Alter the colour of an individual statistic based on two different thresholds. For example, a HUD may show a VPIP statistic in red if it is less than 20%, white if it is between 20%-30% and green if it is greater than 30%. However, the thresholds must be raw values and cannot be dynamically calculated or population-percentile based.
However, such tools may not:
- Have statistics which are split based on card values. For example, AGGRESSION FREQUENCY is fine, AGGRESSION FREQUENCY ON FLUSH DRAW BOARDS is not. Similarly, COUNT OF AKO WHEN 3-BET would also be prohibited.
- Dynamically change which statistics are shown after the cards are dealt. For example, displaying FOLD TO CBET but only after a flop is seen is prohibited.
- Dynamically change which statistics are shown based on player/opponent tendencies. For example, displaying FOLD TO CBET but only for players that have high folds to continuation bets is prohibited.
- Rate, label, categorise or stereotype players based on their tendencies
- Display graphical representations of more than one numerical datapoint. For example, bet size / hand strength scatter plots are prohibited but a 0-100 temperature gauge representation of a players VPIP is permitted.
Our intention here is that we wish to permit players to recall gameplay information that they have observed through their own play. At the same time, we do not wish for the data to be displayed in a manner that provides too much guidance to the end-user on the appropriate action to take in a given situation.
Further information regarding our policies towards such pieces of software can be found on our website, available at:
We realize that you probably were unaware of the forbidden nature of this program, and therefore we will not take any of the above stern reactions due to this detection. Instead, all we ask is that you reply to this email stating that you're now aware of our policy towards third party tools, and that you won't use such prohibited programs on PokerStars again in the future.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter
PokerStars Game Integrity Team
Ugyanezt a levelet már pár évvel ezelőtt megkaptam én is. Ezért nem használom a HM1-et PS-en azóta.
Valakinek tipp? Ha semmi nincs a nevemen, hogy tudnám igazolni a lakcímem leggyorsabban? :D
Valakinek tipp? Ha semmi nincs a nevemen, hogy tudnám igazolni a lakcímem leggyorsabban? :D
Valakinek tipp? Ha semmi nincs a nevemen, hogy tudnám igazolni a lakcímem leggyorsabban? :D